Thursday, 12 December 2019


The title track is one of TD's best '80s songs and the highlight of the whole album. The catchy "Cinnamon Road" is a nice short sequenced tune with a bit of sitar in it. There are some drums, but nothing too "in your face" or scary. If you are a purist and hates all the Dream Mixes and other reworks of Edgar Froese then skip this one. Is that lightning actually striking the inscrutable sphinx, or coming from it? While never completely abandoning guitar and analog keyboards, TD in the mids was all about digital synthesizers and drum machines and soundtracks!

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Gorgeous tunes drift across the deam synths, melancholic enough to melt the most frozen heart. The closing piece is the big one: It is very good, nonetheless.

TANGERINE DREAM Hyperborea reviews

Tangerine Dream Hyperborea - Studio, released October. This album is from what I consider to be the best period of TD from Some "short" tracks and an epic.

It may get you hyped or bored but it will generate some strong emotions. This is quite a TD format for an album.

The actual instrumentation is not available at this moment. In fact the original composition consisted of two clearly distinguishable parts which had been connected by a short bridge only.

All in all, this was a fine drean to close out the Virgin years; a period of incredible productivity and creativity. No Mans Land 9: If their previous music was gently falling snow, this is hail rattling on the roof. Finishes on a very symphonic note. VIL; white promo labels LP [a]: There are some drums, but nothing too "in your face" or scary.

While never completely abandoning guitar and analog keyboards, TD in the mids was all about digital synthesizers and drum machines and soundtracks! This is still hypetborea normal TD album especially for what was to comebut compared with earlier albumsthis should be avoided.


Unfortunately not, the end part is rather flat tangerime much dreeam inspired than everything that came before. Good but not essential. TD's contract with Virgin expired and Hyperborea became the last official recording for them. Loading recommendations for you. BW54 Average Customer Review: Ugh, those drum loops! So finally you recognize melodies, rhythms and sound colours -- but you are lead into a different atmosphere, not so much the sentiments of yesterday rather than tghe here and now.

Before long, s era sequencers come in. Copyright Prog Archives, All rights reserved. Getting its hands on the popular new keyboards of the mid-'80s, the band found wonderful textures, richly overlapping sequences, and on some level a chance to reinvent themselves, and with great results.

This album is cold, hyper-cold. Well the film was apt enough I was twenty or so tanngerine those kind of movies spoke to me at the time as my parents were leaving us the house as they went globe-trotting tqngerine three or four weeks periodsbut I remember being slightly deceived by the soundtrack.

In Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical book Hyperborea is named as the second earth race after the so called Polaric race, followed by the Lemurian, Atlantis and Aric race. Creating independend structures and rhythms while storing everything on big floppies -- back rangerine a great luxury. The fly in the ointment is the side-long 'Sphinx Lightning'.

Your Amazon Music account is currently associated with a different marketplace. V21Y 39 With each listening, you hear something new and appealing.

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