A phenomenal number of routines a 1 hr 38 min show including the Duvivier's style mythical performance of Goshman salt-shakers. There are several surprises in the routine that makes it different from others. Add to cart Add to wishlist. The handling is economical and exquisite that ends clean. For the first time, the full contents of a live show are explained - not just the effects themselves, but every detail that turns a succession of tricks into a show: Image Unavailable Image not available for Color: Unfortunately, this effect is not made anymore, as far as I know.
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This is a professional magic product review site by professional magicians, veterans in the magic community and guest reviewers. Albert Goshman is one of my heroes in magic. Act two begins with a long, involved build-up to It could only be a shade of Albert, and I watched the performance and Dominique became just like magic, another Albert sharing with all the audiences, the very unique magic that my dear hero had transmitted to me, so many years ago.
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For sure you will not only be amazed, but again, under a very unique speel. Then we launch into short video segments of the people that have influenced the show.
Amazon Renewed Like-new products you can trust. I just hope that you will be able to attend one of his shows. It also demonstrated how he thought through the show so that different effects were related to each other.
Order now — we'll send it first thing Monday morning. The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1. Share your thoughts with other customers. The translation does not really affect the enjoyment of the magic although some situational comedy elements may be lost in translation. Don't fret if you duvivker understand French; the translator is very good at conveying not just the ideas, but also the passion. Write a customer review.
Dominique Duvivier Strikes Back (4 DVD Set): Intimiste Vol. 2 -
Add to cart Add to wishlist. Other Sellers on Amazon.
It's possible others do too. It is the closest thing to being part intimiset a live session, with an unparalleled level of detail - an opportunity not to be missed. Email required Address never made public. The full explanations with all the technical and psychological tips.
Sorry, we're having trouble showing recommendations right now. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon.
Then we're off to coins with a unique Copper, Silver, Brass routine followed by coin to purse and a coins across with a surprise ending. Here comes finally the opportunity to enjoy so many years of experience handed to you on a plate.
Intimiste - Dominique Duvivier - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop
intimisfe Would you like to tell us about a lower price? J C Sum Dominique Duvivier is one of the veteran magicians from France who is well-known in the international magic community. For sure you will not only be amazed, but again, under a very unique spiel. Making this up will take time but it will be worth it. However, while he is no doubt creative, his style or material never really appealed to me so he was not an influence in my learning of magic.
Cards, coins, drinks, chop-cup, etc. This is just real Magic. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Get to Know Us. Being trapped in his web is a privilege - he has been watching you with his eyes, knowing what you will think, understanding your next move before you do.
It's hard to explain, but very cool to watch and extremely deceptive. Nick Ruggiero Total Running Time:
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